ul. Kłodzka
58-330 Jedlina-Zdrój
Lat.: N 50° 72′ 20″
Long.: E 16° 34′ 11″
Centrope cup

1. What is the Centorpe Cup?


Centrope Cup is a series of six international petanque tournaments, where teams from six Middle-East Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia compete to win this regional Cup. Each of these countries organize one open tournamet, where could start players from other countries than pointed above. In 2011 Centrope Cup tournaments will be organized in the following dates:



Date Country City
30.04.2011 Austria Wien
21.05.2011 Poland Jedlina-Zdrój
11.06.2011 Hungary Almasfuzito
18.06.2011 Czech Rep. Praha
27.08.2011 Slovakia Bratislavia
Slovenia Ljubljana






2. Goals of Centorpe Cup

  • to improve the quality of our best / national teams by creating international challenges,
  • to support the contacts between players of our countries on a wider scale,
  • to increase the importance of certain tournaments by rising the number of participating teams from other countries,
  • to improve the understanding of the development and the needs of the Pétanque federations in the neighbouring countries
  • to have fun together,
  • to support the development of juniors through becoming familiar with international challenges,
  • to make Pétanque more popular and more attractive for sponsor.



3. Ranking of the Countries:

  • teams consisting of players with actual licences from the same country are gathering points for their countries,
  • at the end of each CC tournament only the four best teams (maximum)of a country receive points to the Ranking,
  • for CC the 16 best places of tournament count:



Place Points
I 25 p.
II 20 p.
III 15 p.
IV 10 p.
V   4 p.
VI   4 p.
VII   4 p.
VIII   4 p.
IX-XVI   1 p.



  • at the end of each CC tournament, poins for each country are counting,
  • a country gathers most poins in Ranking of Countries, is the winner of Centope Cup,


Ranking of Countries will be presented in "Results" after the tournament ends.



4. Centrope Cup in Jedlina-Zdrój

Federation of Petanque awarded KSP "Jedlina" to organize CC tournament in Poland in 2011. The competition will take place in attractive and beautifully located spa - Jedlina-Zdrój.
Players form six countries of Middle-East Europe will compete for the highest standigs and great prizes on boulodroms located near sport and rectreation facility. Competition will be watched by local fans of petanque.

More information about tourist attractions in region - Tourist information.

foto by: Bartosz Ślusarski

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